VPK Providers Gainesville FL
Child Care Tips, Toddler Tips, VPK Providers Gainesville FL

VPK Providers Gainesville FL | Teaching Empathy

VPK Providers Gainesville FL | Caring for others involves the ability to recognize and respond to the feelings of another person. It requires a certain level of empathy. Empathy grows out of an understanding of how another person is feeling. At A Child’s Academy, we understand the importance of empathy and kindness and strive to instill these values into every child that we care for. Our VPK providers Gainesville FL specialists have several decades of combined experience and a track record for success in helping children thrive both socially and academically.

When a Child Learns To Implement Empathy They:

    • Understand that he is a separate individual, his own person
    • Understand that others can have different thoughts and feelings than he has
    • Recognize the common feelings that most people experience—happiness, surprise, anger, disappointment, sadness, etc.
    • Are able to look at a particular situation (such as watching a peer saying goodbye to a parent at child care) and imagine how he—and therefore his friend—might feel in this moment
  • Can imagine what response might be appropriate or comforting in that particular situation—such as offering his friend a favorite toy or teddy bear to comfort her.

Gainesville Schools

Teaching children how to care for others invites parents and caregivers to help children notice their own feelings and how their actions bring about specific feelings in others:

    1. Label the feeling | Child Care Specialists

      When children are showing expressions of specific feelings, make a statement like, “I can see you are feeling sad because you are crying.” Or “I can see you are happy because I hear you laughing.”

    1. Praise caring behaviors |  Best Preschool Gainesville Programs

      Tell your child when you observe him performing an act of kindness. “I saw you let the other child have a turn.  It made him so happy! He has such a big smile on his face now.”

    1. Use “I” statements | Best Preschool in Gainesville Florida

      Children will follow your example.  By describing how you feel, you invite your child to explore how she is feeling.  Statements like, “I feel so excited, I get to spend time with you today!” allows your child to recognize the causes for certain feelings.

    1. Teach nonverbal cues | Top-Rated VPK Providers Gainesville FL

      Encourage children to understand how someone is feeling based on their body language. How did Lizzie know Ruth was sad?  She looked at Ruth’s body language. While you are out with your child or when you are reading a book together, watch for facial expressions and body positions that may describe how a person feels.  Ask questions like, “How do you think that person is feeling?” or “How do you know that person is happy?”

  1. Read stories about feelings | #1 Gainesville Preschool

    Books like My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss and Feelings by Aliki allow children to explore different feelings. They provide vocabulary and reasons why someone may feel a certain way.  It provides a safe context to share and discuss different feelings.  

Even very young children can begin recognizing feelings and how their actions influence the way another person feels.  By labeling those feelings from an early age, children become more aware of the attitudes of others. Recognizing feelings builds empathy and empathy builds a desire to demonstrate caring behaviors and actions towards others.

If you have been looking for a quality preschool and VPK provider in Gainesville Florida contact our team at a Child’s Academy today.

Top-Rated VPK Providers Gainesville FL

Sources: Zero To Three & Stepping Stone

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